
The Neighborhood is Ours!


Premiered at 13th Mostra Ecofalante de Cinema 2024.

Started in the 80s, the successful process that preserves the architectural history of the Bixiga neighborhood is now at a serious threat by facing a challenge against an imminent gentrification of the city, but it continues to be defended by the community. In the same territory, for 40 years the oldest theater company operating in the country has been fighting to preserve its headquarters and the land that has a river with pure water fountain less than 4 meters from the surface. Besides that, in mid-2022, during the subway construction in the downtown of São Paulo, several material traces of the existence of the first urban quilombo recognized in the state's history were revealed. The Afro-descendant community and allies unite in an attempt to avoid another erasure of their history and expulsion of the black population from the region. This and other popular resistance initiatives in one of the most diverse and culturally vibrant neighborhoods in the capital of São Paulo are portrayed in the documentary “The Neighborhood is Ours”.

official poster




Concrete Landscape
