
The Take Back


Between the Tapajós and Amazon rivers, in the state of Pará, there is a region known as Baixo Tapajós, one of the most conflictual in the entire Brazilian Amazon. Pressured by the advance of agribusiness, the expansion of mining and illegal logging, the area suffers from rampant deforestation, the indiscriminate use of pesticides in monoculture crops and the pollution of rivers and lakes. Despite this, the different traditional populations that have inhabited the region for hundreds of years have organized themselves and are now fighting for their land and forest. More than that, they fight for their identity. After centuries of cultural erasure, thousands of local residents are finally proud to recognize themselves as indigenous and seek to regain their beliefs, languages ​​and culture. THE TAKE BACK will portray this process of struggle – which began at the beginning of the 21st century, grew stronger, managed to survive the Bolsonaro government and is now more powerful than ever.

Director and DOP: Ricardo Martensen
Producers: Gal Buitoni,UPEX and Luiz Ferraz
Executive Producers: Gal Buitoni e Thomas Miguez
Editing and Scriptwriters: Ricardo Martensen and Felipe Tomazelli
Content Research and Consultant: Fabio Zuker
Sound Technician: Felipe Tomazelli
Line Producer: Lucas Gattaz
Mix and Sound Editing: Input
Color Grading: Stone Milk
Motion Designer: Bruno Badain

Munduruku Painting

Tupynamba mother and child


The First Women


